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Don't want to forget about these patterns? Save the 'alice-cooper-doll' collection to your Pinterest account:
Friendy Lesia the Ukrainian doll with Unbreakable Rooster ('AradiyaToys Friendies') by AradiyaToys
Frida Kahlo Doll by Elfin Thread
Bee Doll by yorbashideout
Autumn the Little Doll
Anna the Doll by Elisas Crochet
Voodoo doll and its mini version by O Recuncho de Jei
Catrina, day of the death doll by Los sospechosos
James Boy Doll by Smiley Crochet Things
Pocahontas doll by Sahrit
Stella, the Constellation Doll by Amour Fou
Voodoo Doll Pincushion by Supergurumi
Gingerbread doll by Iryna Zubova