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Don't want to forget about these patterns? Save the 'lovey' collection to your Pinterest account:
Jasper the Giraffe Lovey by SarahDeeCrochet
Ellie Elephant Lovey by THEODOREANDROSE
Penguin snuggler, lovey by Diminu
Puddles the Duck Lovey by SarahDeeCrochet
Jeremiah the Frog Prince Lovey by SarahDeeCrochet
Quin the Bear Lovey by SarahDeeCrochet
Teddy Bear Lovey and Pacifier Clip by RNata
Mimi the Bunny Lovey by SarahDeeCrochet
Archie The Little Dragon Lovey by THEODOREANDROSE
Dino Plushie Lovey by THEODOREANDROSE
Dog snuggler, Puppy lovey by Diminu
Elephant Lovey by AmiAmore