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Don't want to forget about these patterns? Save the 'lovey' collection to your Pinterest account:
Po The Playful Penguin Lovey by THEODOREANDROSE
Hans the Elephant Lovey by SarahDeeCrochet
Clementine the Orange Lovey by SarahDeeCrochet
Briggs The Sleepy Bunny Lovey by THEODOREANDROSE
Monster Lovey by AmiAmore
Rusty the Lion Lovey by SarahDeeCrochet
Barkley Beagle Lovey by THEODOREANDROSE
Harry The Little Bear Lovey by THEODOREANDROSE
Gingerbread Man Lovey by AmiAmore
Edward Elephant Lovey by THEODOREANDROSE
Inka The Little Llama Lovey by THEODOREANDROSE