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Don't want to forget about these patterns? Save the 'the-grinch' collection to your Pinterest account:
Tom the Little Fox
Luna the Kitty by Little Muggles
Pinch the Goblin by Hello Yellow Yarn
The Tong Tong cat by Bigbebez
The cat (beige) by Bigbebez
Fifi, the Finch by Amigurumi with Eli
Daphne the Dolphin by Theresas Crochet Shop
Linus the Fox by Bluesparrow Handmade
Nellie the Travel Bear by Lemon Yarn Creations
Baarney & Baarn the Sheep Bookmark by IlDikko
Tracey the Ballerina Doll by Bunnies and Yarn
The Little Prince and the Fox (in green clothes) by Ana Maria Craft