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Don't want to forget about these patterns? Save the 'the-grinch' collection to your Pinterest account:
Timsel The Christmas Cat by BlinkYarnCrafts
Clement, the Christmas elf by yarnacadabra
Leo the Lion by YarnWave
Harry the Baby Bear Lovey by Bluesparrow Handmade
Millie the Kitty Lovey by One and Two Company
Bonnie the bunny by LaCigogne
No Sew Tyler the Traffic Cone by Alter Ego Crochet
Bruno the Teddy Bear by Elfin Thread
Antony the Anteater by LittleAquaGirl
Cory the cowboy by Sahrit
Kiki the Mummy Cat & Halloween Pumpkin by DIY Fluffies
Murray the not so fungi by Cosmos.crochet.qc