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Angelo the Angelfish by Theresas Crochet Shop
Smokey the Schnauzer by Theresas Crochet Shop
Skylar the Starfish by Theresas Crochet Shop
Lulu the Ladybug by Theresas Crochet Shop
Biscuit the Beagle by Theresas Crochet Shop
Coral the Clownfish by Theresas Crochet Shop
Beckett the Blue Tang by Theresas Crochet Shop
Cleo the Clam by Theresas Crochet Shop
Shelldon and Shellby the Sea Turtles by Theresas Crochet Shop
Raymond the Ray by Theresas Crochet Shop
Yolly the Yellow Tang by Theresas Crochet Shop
Hugo the Hammerhead by Theresas Crochet Shop