Cute Bunny Head
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* This listing is a crochet pattern that helps you crochet 2 cute bunny heads and create your own crochet wall-hanging decors. There is an in-depth tutorial on how to make a wall hanging for beginners on my blog. Feel free to ask me for the detail.
* These cute and gentle decorations will bring a good mood, joy, beauty, and cozy to your home! These will be wonderful wall decor for your home or as a gift for your friends, or family.
* Patterns come with detailed instructions and video tutorials for beginners, to make sure with any level of skills, you can totally make stunning finished items.

* Find more wall-hanging patterns available in my shop.

* Don't want to make wall-hanging decor? You can use the animal head only for other purposes:
- Plush toys for kids
- Use as a keychain