Aquatic Amigurumi 2 more info
Natasha Tishchenko (natura_crochet)

Daniel the Puffin
by Natura Crochet
0 creations
0 topics

Myles the Ray
by Natura Crochet
2 creations
0 topics

Justyna the Mermaid
by Natura Crochet
2 creations
0 topics

Noah the Sea Horse
by Natura Crochet
2 creations
0 topics

Flash the X-Ray Fish
by Natura Crochet
0 creations
0 topics

Edwin the Butterflyfish
by Natura Crochet
1 creation
0 topics

Genevieve the Lifeguard
by Natura Crochet
2 creations
0 topics

Nibbler the Yellow Boxfish
by Natura Crochet
0 creations
0 topics

Henry the Squid
by Natura Crochet
4 creations
1 topic

Jack the Captain
by Natura Crochet
1 creation
1 topic

Marcus the Turtle
by Natura Crochet
3 creations
1 topic

Felix the Blue Whale
by Natura Crochet
5 creations
0 topics

Mari the Narwhal
by Natura Crochet
0 creations
0 topics

Ross the Hammerhead Shark
by Natura Crochet
3 creations
0 topics

0 creations
0 topics

Recent creations from Aquatic Amigurumi 2 - (upload your own)