Zoomigurumi 6 more info
15 cute amigurumi patterns by 15 great designers

Anita the Cow
by Airali Design
6 creations
0 topics

Bo the Panda
by Smartapple Creations
15 creations
0 topics

Carlos the Hummingbird
by YOUnique Crafts
44 creations
1 topic

17 creations
1 topic

Mortimer the Mammoth
by Patchwork Moose
9 creations
0 topics

Oswald the Owl
by Moji-Moji Design
9 creations
0 topics

Txerri the Piglet
by Critterbeans
20 creations
0 topics

Bernard the Bear
by Elfin Thread
1 creation
1 topic

Shawn the Shark
by Theresa's Crochet Shop
24 creations
0 topics

Ruby the Red Panda
by Little Muggles
17 creations
0 topics

Woo Ri the Lion
by An Jiyoun
1 creation
0 topics

Cedric the Sloth
by Irene Strange
5 creations
0 topics

11 creations
0 topics

Kimi the Kitten
by Woolytoons
10 creations
1 topic

15 creations
1 topic

Recent creations from Zoomigurumi 6 - (upload your own)