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Tucker the Turtle by Alter Ego Crochet
NO-SEW Otto the Otter by Alter Ego Crochet
Dorian the Dragon by Alter Ego Crochet
Luna the Love Potion by Alter Ego Crochet
Buddy the Teddy Bear by Alter Ego Crochet
NO SEW Alien in UFO by Alter Ego Crochet
Holly the Heart - Valentine's Day by Alter Ego Crochet
NO SEW Stack of Presents by Alter Ego Crochet
NO SEW Chris the Christmas Ornament by Alter Ego Crochet
NO SEW Steven the Star (Starfish) by Alter Ego Crochet
Clara the Christmas Tree by Alter Ego Crochet
NO SEW Claude the Crab by Alter Ego Crochet