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Jumbo Jake the mandrake by Cosmos.crochet.qc
Stardew Valley Jumbo Junimo by Cosmos.crochet.qc
Lenny the seahorse by Cosmos.crochet.qc
Mycologist set by Cosmos.crochet.qc
Murray the not so fungi by Cosmos.crochet.qc
Triton the water elemental by Cosmos.crochet.qc
Cumulus the wind elemental by Cosmos.crochet.qc
Freya the earth elemental by Cosmos.crochet.qc
Vulcanos the Fire elemental by Cosmos.crochet.qc
Benjamin the king penguin by Cosmos.crochet.qc
Pebble the rockhopper penguin by Cosmos.crochet.qc
The Spiky Sprouts Cacti by Cosmos.crochet.qc